Some notes from Mary Boone's interview with Dave Snowden:
The strategic agenda is going to change. It's going to involve human and social components, not just search. Dave prophesizes that this may doom Google, or at least prevent it from being able to reinvent itself since it so focused on the idea of the search.
When setting up an intranet, Dave recommends experimenting with freeware. Other than his own product of course, Dave thinks you should try and see what works for your organization. Institute blogs, etc, but don't buy social networking collaboration software, just use the free stuff.
Dave also says that twitter is one of the most useful apps he's used, as it has solved more little problems that just about anything else. He uses twitter to ask a question and possible solutions are presented by others. He even uses it to answer the question of what music to listen to next.
On KM history, Dave says that KM started with good theory and bad technology, but no we have good technology and no theory.
On the book Good To Great, the true explanation of the companies success may lie in them being the first predator in the niche, that was able to dominate it. This reiterates the idea that following others best practices won't necessarily create your own successes. It is context that creates the behavior.
Things that are up and coming: Crews. Dave's notes that crews have a cognitive capacity that exceeds the collective capacity of the individual. His company is looking at mapping roles and assembling crews.
He is also working on social networking simulations that force people to move across silos. Also, Dave points on that he believes strongly in management. Some KM theories seem to advocate a social freedom and anarchy, but Dave insists that we must have management to keep things organized and working.
Dave Snowden's site is
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